Dressing room – it sounds pleasing, extravagant, and stylish. What’s more, somewhat unexpected. So, гардеробные комнаты are superior to the closet in nearly everything. Be that as it may, discovering a spot for it in the loft is practically the primary issue.
Upsides and downsides of wardrobe
A different extra space is a fantasy, everything being equal, and inside planners. This is actually advantageous: significantly more garments can be set in wardrobes than in a conventional, but huge, closet. Everything is close within reach and simultaneously on display. Here you can change garments without considering protection.
Another benefit is the capacity to liberate the free from cumbersome closets, leaving just light furnishings. There is just a single drawback to the wardrobe: it requires space – significantly more than simply a spot for a storage room. All things considered, you should design the racks and holders, however the space before them – with the goal that the proprietors can openly unfurl.
Approach arranging reasonably:
- If you have under 3 square meters of free space, it is smarter to outfit this spot with an implicit closet.
- The equivalent applies if the width of the room is under two meters.
- Maybe you will discover a spot for the wardrobe, “getting” a piece of the room under it.
Having decided how much space is needed for the dressing room, we go looking for space to oblige it. Standard headings are the room and the foyer (in a perfect world, there ought to be two wardrobes so as not to keep outerwear with light). In the room, we change garments, pick garments for the afternoon. Also, in the passage, we leave parkas and coats, umbrellas and boots.
Tip: If you have a house with two exits, the dressing room is best prepared at the front entryway, which is regularly utilized.